Does the Pokemon need to be the same for the Masuda method in X/Y


I'm trying the Masuda Method for shiny Charmander; does the Pokemon have to be exactly the same Pokemon for the increased chance?.

I'm currently breeding a Korean Charmander with an English Charizard – would I have to evolve it to be a Charizard? Or does it just have to be in the evolution line for a better chance?

Also, I see a lot of people getting shinies (and I have 4 shinies myself), so I was thinking, is the chance of finding one better? (If it is its probably 1/4000 instead of 1/8000.)

Best Answer

No, the only requirements for the Masuda method is that the breeding pair are from different regions. As long as that requirement is met, you can breed your Korean Charmander with an English Charizard, English Charmander, or English Ditto, and the improved shiny chance remains the same.