Does the Pressure Point mod improve jump attacks


The Pressure Point mod improves the damage of some melee attacks; it definitely improves normal attacks and the spin attack (attacking from slide), and definitely does not improve charge attacks.

Does it improve any of the following?

  • ground finisher (the downward stab into knocked down foes); supposedly this is based on charged damage?
  • jump attack
  • aerial spin attack (sprint+jump -> crouch -> melee)

I ask because I'm really enjoying the heavy AOE electric damage of Amphis' jump attack and would like to beef it up to more reliably 1-hit Shockwave MOAs.

Best Answer

quote from the wiki: This mod affects regular (non-charged) damage only

So I believe it really does increase absolutely everything except the standard charge attack. At the moment I'm spinning and sliding around with my Dual Ethers and find this mod is a must have for any melee weapons you don't intend to use charge attacks with.

I definitely noticed an increase in damage for the ground finisher and the jump attack with my Fragor, as it's easier to tell with a hard-hitting, slower weapon. The aerial spin attack is also affected by this mod.