Does the war have an ending in Planetside 2


As enemy bases are captured, they just seem to respawn right in the middle of friendly captured territory. This is looking like a perpetual cycle, and none of the three teams ever gets closer than to the very edge of winning the whole continent, only to lose lots of territory again.

So is this by design? Is Planetside 2 eternally to be at war, with no winner ever? I was hoping it would be more like a 'match'. I admit that both are almost the same thing, but there is at least the closure of winning/losing sides this way.

Best Answer

By design there is no end to the game. Factions can be pushed back to the warpgate but, no matter what, there will never be a victory. This won't ever change in the future either. It is one of the main points of the game and the one people have the hardest time to get used to.

A common question is: "If there is no 'victory', what is there to fight for?" and the answer to that is simply: "It's a sandbox. Set your own goal, find people to fight for the same goal and go for it. You decide whether you won or lost and even fighting losing battles can mean a victory for you personally."