Does the workrate of an employee effect anything during the development stages


During the development stages for your game, you go through multiple stages programming and developing various elements of your game, for example Artificial Intelligence, Graphics, Sound, etc.

I have been sending my employees on "time trial" coding exercises, which increase the speed that employee works at, but this does not appear to help me in reaching 100% completion during the development stages for complex projects. In this screenshot below, the slide for the employee assigned to sound is at 100% but only 80% of the work will be completed:

enter image description here

I am aware that moving the other sliders will adjust this percentage, but I haven't moved the sliders for the last 4-5 games even though this employee's workrate has increased considerable during this time.

Does the workrate of an employee effect anything during the development stages?

Best Answer

Seemingly not - for testing I did the following;

Got to development stage 3 for my new game, which presents a screen as below to assign programmers to World Design, Graphics, and Sound:

enter image description here

As you can see above, I have assigned employees to each area and the only one outstanding currently is Graphics - James E. Garmack. Garmack has the lowest work speed of all three of my employees, so I then moved everybody around a bit without changing any other settings on the screen:

enter image description here

As you can see, the amount of work that will be completed doesn't change. For reference, these are the stats of my employees:

enter image description here