Game Dev Story – Employee Seating and Game Quality


In Game Dev Story, you are able to change where your employees sit. Does this have any affect on how well they perform (for example, a seat closer to the boss will result in more points added to a game), or are these changes purely cosmetic?

Best Answer

You can get a very slight advantage by putting the employees with the smallest power bars at desks closest to the door. They will have to go home and rest more often, and it will shave off a few seconds of walk time with each trip. However, using a lot of Dead Bulls allows you to almost completely avoid this problem anyway.

I've also wondered if certain employees tend to go talk to each other more (giving + research) or propose trying to increase the __________ of the game. If that's true, then it would make sense to seat them close to each other, or next to the boss, again decreasing walk time. This is just speculation though.