Dolphin emulator: Skyward Sword won’t pass the “Connect motion plus” screen


I'm wondering how to enable motion plus. I'm using a control configuration from a youtube video, except adapted to my specific controller. I know Dolphin 5.0 has native motion plus support, but Skyward Sword doesn't seem to recognize it.
I've added my device to my control profile, like this:

Device = DInput/0/Logitech RumblePad 2 USB

Best Answer

In the controller set-up screen, there is a checkbox labelled "Attach MotionPlus", if this is unchecked, your emulated controller will not be recognised as having MotionPlus capabilities.

Dolphin Emulator Controller Screen

Additionally, the Dolphin Emulator Wiki says that versions of Dolphin prior to 5.0-10056, released 4 months and 3 weeks ago (May 3rd), were not capable of emulating the Wii MotionPlus. It is very possible that you were using a version which did not have this functionality, as in your own words if your version "wasn't the most recent, then it was at most a month or two old".