Dota – As Ember Spirit, is there a trick to reliably casting Chains during a single-target Sleight


Casting Searing Chains while in Sleight of Fist's animation is a really useful technique to almost instantly chain enemies from a safe distance. Here's Miracle- demonstrating on Slark, at 6:18:

I can do it when Sleight hits 2+ targets, just by flicking WQ. I get it every time, because the animation is long enough.

However, when Sleight hits only 1 target like in that video, Sleight's animation is crazy fast, and I'm finding it really difficult to consistently trigger Chains during it. Even if I bring my middle- and ring-fingers down at almost the same time to QW, I still usually whiff it!

I've already tried Shift-queueing Chains after Slight, but that totally fails, because Chains only triggers once Sleight ends.

Something tells me there's a trick to this, because I see skilled players hit it so consistently. If the trick is "play Ember constantly for 6 to 8 weeks", that's OK too. But before I start on that, is there something I'm missing?

Best Answer

Use the Demo feature to practice mechanical skills like the sleight+chain combo.

Although I am not a pro(not even close) and have only played around 40 Ember Spirit games I can land most of my combos properly. I spent around half an hour continuously practicing that combo on a single hero with various levels of sleight. After that I spammed Ember in a few casual games. Trust me this works like a charm.

In order to open Demo, click on the HEROES tab then select Ember Spirit. Right next to his skills you can see a box which says DEMO HERO. Click on that and you'll be able to figure out the rest.
It basically creates a small area where u can practice last hitting and check out different abilities of any hero. You can also spawn dummy and AI enemies.