Dota – As Morphling, how to decide when to morph


One reason why I avoid Morphling is because I can never tell when (if at all) I should begin to use his morph ability to transfer stats between strength and agility. What are some typical situations where I should favor one stat over the other? And how much of my stats should I transfer before stopping? Is it ever worth it to swing 100% in one direction or the other?

Best Answer

Morph is a very situational skill. Depending on your team composition, the current situation you're in, and how you want your Adaptive Strike to act, your usage of morph will change.

In general, morph to strength if:

  • You want survivability (more HP)
  • If you are getting ganked (the extra HP will save you more often than you think)
  • If you decide to build a tank
  • You want a longer stun from Adaptive Strike (having 50% more Strength than Agility will give you the maximum stun duration)

In general, morph to agility if:

  • You want DPS
  • You want more damage from Adaptive Strike (having 50% more Agility than Strength will give you the maximum damage)

Swinging completely one way or another isn't that beneficial. Having lots of HP but no damage makes you an easily ignorable target, and having high damage but low HP makes you a glass cannon, and you will most likely be the first person to die in a team fight.