Dota – Counter-warding: how to know where wards are


Pro players seem to have some sixth sense when counter-warding, but I always seem to fail. For observer wards, you can try the usual ward spots (runes/rosh/hills)…. however, if your five-man push fails because the enemy saw you coming, there are a lot of possible ward spots you may have walked by. And how about countering sentry wards to protect a riki/gondar/brood?

Best Answer

It is pretty complex answering here without posting a tons of images. So I copy only the summary picture and suggest you to read this well written guide: Wardposition Guide on PlayDota. It contains a lot of in-game screenshots that explain in detail the positioning.

  • Red Pins: Wards with runesight
  • Orange Pins: Wards to block creep camps
  • Pink Pins: Wards to monitor important places
  • Blue Pins: Wards with basesight

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