Dota – Do Illusions have all passive abilities as the hero has? Even from items


I am a long time Dota Player, but still this question I can't answer.
I know that your Illus always get the lifereg of your hero and attack speed etc.
But what happes if I buy a basher ?
Do my Illus stun with their own cooldown of 1 sec for a bash or is It just me ?

So wouldn't be panthom lancer even more op with basher ?

Best Answer

Yes and No, Illusion benefits from a lots of passive abilities may they be granted by items or skills but not all.

You can not benefit from bashes on illusion (Bash from basher, Abyssal blade, or Barathrum's bash for example). That would be way too powerfull. For the same reason, Feedback (diffusal blade's orb effect) works on illusion but only melee one.

You can take a look on the Illusion page of the wiki which give a quite exhausitve list of the passive your illusions benefit (or dont benefit) from.