Dota – Effective counters for Medusa


Our team is really getting beaten by late game Medusa. She's now tankier than BristleBack and has the damage potential of Sniper. Are there any carry heroes other than Anti-Mage that can counter her?
Effective strategies are also welcomed.

Best Answer

The #1 way to deal with Medusa is definitely either ending the game early (via a push-heavy lineup) or dedicating several heroes to ensuring Medusa gets no farm ever (and hoping her team has no second similarly scary hero).

Some ways to deal with Medusa include other forms of mana burn, such as diffusal blade, Invoker's EMP, Nyx, and Lion. Also noteworthy is Outworld Devourer, who steals intelligence with his Arcane Orb, which results in lower intelligence on Medusa, and thus a smaller mana pool for you to have to chew through.