Dota – How do i kill Aiushtha in DotA


I'm having trouble with Aiushtha the Enchantress?

The build which is really giving me trouble is the one where my opponent rushes the +25 intelligence wand. Then he goes for boots and perseverance. The first 8 levels are fine. When he gets to lvl10-12 I am no longer able to kill him. He does Base Damage + 90 every time he attacks me, around lvl 10 I'm still under 1,000HP.

I tried buying armor (+15) without success. What's more his many wisp heal quite quickly. I've tried sneaking behind him and unloading with little success, often leaving him at full hit points.

What's worse if he turns his staff into a sheep stick I'm even more behind.

I'm most concerned with 1v1 in the 10-12 level area.

-edit- I do notice the opponent running away to refill mana but usually he isnt gone long. Maybe i can play in a way to make him use mana repeatably without losing too much health and leave often? Maybe i should be less afraid of the ultimate or farm creeps instead of trying to kill her (or not far at all and only try to damage her?)

nevermore is one of my favourites, how do i kill aiushtha with nevermore?

Best Answer

Note: I haven't played DOTA in a few patches...

Enchantress biggest weakest are nukes because of her little HP
You said you enjoy Nevermore, your best bet would be too just stay out of her range during the lane, and just last hit appropriately...focus on not dying to build up your creep count (which gives you damage) at lvl 3-5 you could start using your long and mid range nukes to last hit+harass the Enchant, and disengage if she wants to fight. This will keep you at high health and her at medium, giving you a significant lane advantage (with three nukes all it takes is one good rune to kill her at medium life). When you do engage dont attack until you have used all your nukes, She has a move that slows you and if she decides to run you wont be able to chase if you attack her. If she ever procs her healing item, just back off and pop a clarity, then harass a litte more aggressively while its on Cooldown, this will force her to heal at well, giving you an EXP advantage.

Be sure to use chicken early game to keep mana/ life in good shape so you dont have to leave your lane and get boots before her so you can chase when you go in for the kill. If she is rushing the +25 INT item, you should have a significant early-mid game advantage with items, big enough to kill her a few times and come out on top.

Non Nevermore specific tips:

  • Nukes > Stuns when it comes to Enchant since attacking her will slow your hero.

  • You usually have to kill Enchant in 2 bursts, 1 to get her to pop
    heal, then another to kill.

  • At the start just last hit and attack her only when your creeps are there

  • Keep good control of runes during early-mid game

  • Use chicken so you dont have to goto town and heal (meaning you will always be gaining exp)
  • Keep an eye out for Enchants chicken, your long range nuke means you can kill it without even going up ramp sometimes

Hope this helps and be free to comment with any questions