Dota – How to deal with an offlane Darkseer early game


My teammate and I were playing Lina (support) and Phantom Assassin together recently, facing a solo Darkseer in his offlane. This is around 3k MMR, so nothing too fancy. We handled it decently, but still had some problems nonetheless. To put it in a picture, we found ourselves often like this:

Darkseer offlane pushing the lane

We are both low health from respectively trying to harass Darkseer out of lane, and last hitting / killing the Ion Shell creep (plus in this case a failed kill attempt – we still have some regen available).

It seems pretty tough to control the lane equilibrium vs a Darkseer early game, and many times the lane ended up under our own tower, making last hitting quite hard.

Some things we tried include trying to kill the Ion Shell creep when possible, harassing the Darkseer to low health, and just plainly letting it happen.

Some things I considered playing the Lina was in fact to just leave the lane (or at least go full-time stacking and pulling), as well as going all-out aggressive on Darkseer (it didn't work out for me though).

Note again this was a 3K public match, so things like carefully coordinated rotations weren't really an option.

Further note that I'm not looking for advice on counterpicking (I realize that there may be very specific counterpicks…): I want to know what to do when I end up in this situation. Preferably I'd get advice on how to deal with a Darkseer in his offlane in general (i.e. for the generic "ranged support + melee carry" situation), but if that would make the question unanswerable I'd settle for advice on doing this with Lina and Phantom Assassin.

So, the bottom line: during the early phase of the game, playing as ranged support plus melee carry in your safe lane, what can you do to counter a Darkseer spamming Ion Shell in the laning phase, if anything?

Best Answer

Lina should be able to zone out Dark Seer. Lina has the 2nd highest attack range in the game(after Techies) and she should be standing in the woods/sideshop autoattacking the Dark Seer.

Keep in mind that Dark Seer is arguably the best offlaner atm. He's the tankiest level 1 hero after Spirit Breaker and Ogre Magi (and Medusa with mana shield).

As for Phantom Assassin, I would recommend killing the creep with the ion shell first. She could also go for last hits with dagger. Lina could go for a bottle, to keep Phantom Assassin/ herself safe.


As Phantom Assassin, a battlefury is a common item in general, the component called Ring of health is an amazing item in lane. People sometimes also just buy a Ring of regen vs a dark seer because of the cheap cost.

NOTE: Ring of regen, Ring of health, Void stone, Perseverance and Sage's mask are partially shareable.

From the wiki:

This means that other heroes can pick them up and benefit from the effect of the item, but cannot sell or upgrade the item.

Which means your support could just buy a ring of health and give it to you for you to use in lane.