Dota – Lion Aghanim’s Scepter or Dagon


Here is what I have research so far.

Aghanim's Scepter (4200 gold)

  • 390 health, 0.3 health regeneration, 1.4 armor, 10 attack speed, 280 mana, 0.4 mana regeneration and 10 attack damage.
  • FINGER OF DEATH benefit
    • reduce 25 mana cost (?)
    • cooldown 20 second
    • AOE 200
    • increase dmg 175

Dagon ( 2720/3970/5220/6470/7720 gold)

  • On level 1, it grants a total of 57 health, 0.09 health regeneration, 0.42 armor, 3 attack speed, 208 mana, 0.64 mana regeneration and 12 (25 to intelligence heroes) attack damage.
  • On level 2, it grants a total of 57 health, 0.09 health regeneration, 0.42 armor, 3 attack speed, 247 mana, 0.76 mana regeneration and 12 (28 to intelligence heroes) attack damage.
  • On level 3, it grants a total of 57 health, 0.09 health regeneration, 0.42 armor, 3 attack speed, 286 mana, 0.88 mana regeneration and 12 (31 to intelligence heroes) attack damage.
  • On level 4, it grants a total of 57 health, 0.09 health regeneration, 0.42 armor, 3 attack speed, 325 mana, 1.00 mana regeneration and 12 (34 to intelligence heroes) attack damage.
  • On level 5, it grants a total of 57 health, 0.09 health regeneration, 0.42 armor, 3 attack speed, 364 mana, 1.12 mana regeneration and 12 (37 to intelligence heroes) attack damage.
  • Active ability: 400 / 500 / 600 / 700 / 800 magic damage at 600 / 650 / 700 / 750 / 800 range , 35 30 25 20 15 second cooldown , 180 mana

As I see on Ti5, Lion go for Dagon. They also said that Lion with Dagon have 80% win rate.

However, in many of my game, I would like to have scepter because the AOE damage and low cooldown look nice. I also need 390 health from scepter because Lion have low base HP.

On dotabuff, , in "Most used item" list, Aghanim's Scepter at 3rd.

I need your advice.

Added: I just try go for Dagon level 2 then Aghanim's Scepter. Dagon give good 1 second kill on early mid game. The Aghanim's Scepter give small AOE damage which I found that useful against range hero with illusion like Terrorblade or Traxex with Manta (because range hero and illusion usually stick together) which my finger can damage hero and clear illusion at once, leave only real hero for Dagon.

Best Answer

Both Dagon and Aghanim's play good on Lion.

Consider this situation: is it possible to get all the heroes within 200 aoe (highly impossible unless you have magnus or enigma), you are usually doing just 1025 (neglect magic resistance) but if you have max Dagon you'll do 850+800=1650 which is more than enough to kill heroes with low hp.

But Dagon comes at very high price -- but costs less mana to cast 180, while FoD needs 625, which may starve you for mana during team fights since you probably won't be able to use mana drain.

Maybe lvl 3 Dagon and then go for Aghanims is a better idea. However, in the end, it just comes down to situation and team composition.