Dota – Nature’s Prophet: Stygian Desolator vs Assault Cuirass


Situation-independently, which of these items are better suited for Nature's Prophet, and why?

Stygian Desolator
Assault Cuirass

Best Answer

I'm going to disagree with both of your potential answers and instead suggest Medallion of Courage. While it doesn't increase your attack speed or damage, it does serve the same purpose of allowing you to gank by lowering armor. Nature's Prophet (when played properly) is an extremely strong ganker as he can be anywhere on the map at once. His pushing will obviously be weaker as this doesn't affect buildings, but you can easily pick up one of the other two items later.

Medallion gives him the single target focus that helps him gank and also allows him to more easily kill Roshan in the early game. The only time I would consider it a bad pickup would be against many heroes with high base armor or many agility heroes, as their armor rises much faster in the early game as they gain levels.