Dota – Rushing strategy in Dota 2


If the enemy team consists of late game carrys it might be a good winning strategy to push as hard as you can to finish the game as soon as possible. However when the standard laning phase ends, teams start to go together and it becomes dangerous to stay on the lane alone or with another teammate. What are some good strategies for pushing, e.g. buying scrolls and switching lanes frequently?

Best Answer

Dota 2 has a lot of pushing strategies, I can't describe them all to a tee but I'll do my best here to summarize a couple of them:


Most effective in the early stages of the game when your goal is to follow up with a tower push. The goal is simple: eliminate the opposing team's lane presence and pressure the tower with everything you have (usually 2 heroes + a middle rotation). Works remarkably well when your side lanes just hit level 6.

Summoning Heroes:

Super effective in the early stages of the game, this strategy consists of bringing 1 or more heroes that have summon-able/neutral creeps at their disposal to push the lane with your creep wave. Easily executable in the short lane with a well timed stack/pull to start the push, this strategy almost guarantees a tower kill in the early game if the opposing team doesn't teleport to defend it.

Here's a quick list of heroes who are well known to be used in the fashion (but not limited to):

If you're trying to execute this strategy, study your enemies wisely and look for good counter pushers. Dark Seer, Earthsharker and Tinker will make it hard on you to push in the early stages.

Split Pushing

One of my personal favorite mid-late game pushing stategy. This strategy, in a nutshell, consists of having as much of your team pushing a single lane while one other hero gives great momentum to creep waves in another lane. Nature's Prophet and Tinker (with Boots of Travel[BoT]) are kings at this game. Your team is not to team fight during this time as 4v5 or 3v5 engagements will rarely be in your favor.

Note it's also possible for you to have 1 hero push top lane, 1 hero push middle lane and the other 3 stalling bot lane in order to create more pressure on the opposing side. Out of this 1-1-3 split, it's possible to pick off enemy heroes that are trying to rotate to defend.

I'll finish by saying that split pushing is a delicate operation but can yield great results when executed with patience and discipline.

Hope this helps,

Happy Dota!