The just-released patch 7.00 brings a new hero Monkey King. With his Tree Dance ability, he can jump onto a tree, and onward from tree to tree.
This "being on a tree" state is completely new to the game. Trees are visible, but they also block vision. Does that mean Monkey King is visible or invisible when on a tree? Are there conditions when he is or isn't visible when on a tree, or leaping between them? How does this interact with ground/flying vision and True Sight?
Best Answer
While perched on a tree, Monkey King is hidden from sight. He can only be seen with flying vision.
Sources of Flying Vision
and the ranged creep has flying visionso be careful when you are perched on a tree near a lane.Another important thing to note is that although Monkey King is shown to be at an elevation he is still considered to be on the ground. The height is part of the animations. Hence spells like Mirana's arrow and Io's spirits affect Monkey King.