Dota – What self-spells or allied-spells can break riki’s invisibility


Riki is an effective hero to play against new players. My problem is that sometimes I'm afraid to use some spells because I'm not sure if I will get visible. Examples:

  • magic stick
  • changing attribute in power treads
  • teleport
  • urn
  • diffusal blade

Can any teammate make me visible when buffing me? Examples:

  • ogre magi
  • lich
  • legion commander
  • urn

Best Answer

  • Riki is not revealed out of Permanent Invisibility when he casts spells or uses items. (Including dagon)
  • Gettings buffs from teammates won't reveal any invisible heroes.
  • Getting silenced (even if they don't see you) will reveal you.

You only get revealed when you are attacking or when you are near someone with true sight.