Dota – When playing Tide hunter am I considered a support


I have been playing more ranked lately. In my last match I chose tide hunter because his ult complemented the team nicely.

The way I usually play him is to rush Blink Dagger, but someone was chewing me out saying I need to build Mekansm, buy Wards and Courier. Wards I understand, but Mek seems like a waste of gold and time for tide hunter.

When playing Tide hunter am I considered a support?

Best Answer

Tidehunter is a support hero, but not in the sense of being the 5th position hard support, with only brown boots and a magic stick at 30 minutes. It's more of a semi-core support.

Tidehunter, Sand King, EarthShaker and the likes are relatively item dependent, as such you generally don't want to be the only support on the team if you're playing these heroes if you can help it. You need Blink Dagger and Arcanes, and the sooner you can get these up the better it is for your team.

However, if you do find yourself playing one of these greedy supports as the only support on the team, life is hard. Don't let your item greed blind you from the fact that it's better to get your dagger late and have ward coverage for the first 20 minutes, than have a 15 minute dagger and have your team fall massively behind through easily avoidable ganks.