Dota – Where is the item folder located for Dota 2


I want to ask where is the location of items folder [hero items] for using customized hero images, etc?

Best Answer

This is discussed in more length on the Gamepedia DOTA 2 page for customizing game files. All of these paths are relative to your Dota 2 installation folder, so if your Steam library installs inside the Steam folder and Steam is installed in its default location all of these paths will be prefixed with C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\dota 2\dota or C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\dota 2 beta\dota if you initially installed the game during beta:

  • Cosmetic item data: scripts\items\items_game.txt
  • Cosmetic item icons: resource\flash2\images\econ
  • Interface customizations: materials\console\loadingscreens, resource\flash3\images\hud_skins and resource\flash3\images\emoticons
  • Game assets: resource\flash3\images
  • Hero images: resource\flash3\images\heroes

Note these locations may not physically exist on the filesystem as Dota 2 uses VPK files to store all of their data, this means you will need to create the relevant folders if you wish to override the VPK files.