Dragon Age: Origins Trophies in Awakening


I have played through Origins twice & have still not obtained some trophies. I was wondering if any non-story specific trophies for Origins will pop during a play through of Awakening.

To name a few examples:

  • Heavy Hitter – Main character does more than 250 in one hit.
  • Archmage – Reach level 20 as a mage.

And at a long shot:

  • Master Warden/Blight Queller – Kill Darkspawn.

I figure the counter for this may not carry over from an Origins save, but it is still achievable?

Best Answer

I know for certain the level trophies are unlockable in DA DLC, for example when starting the Witch Hunt DLC, your main character will be on level 20 and will instantly unlock the respective class trophy, even though it's a "main game" trophy. I don't know about the Heavy Hitter trophy, but I'll assume it unlocks on DLC as well.

The "kill darkspawn" trophies are another issue, though, it seems patches to the game have messed with the kill counters and rendered these trophies glitched in some cases, I would recommend reading this guide regarding these trophies. He does mention on the guide that these in fact

can be unlocked in the awakening DLC as well