Dress specific dwarves in specific clothing


I haven't been able to find anything regarding this but:
Is there any way to dress specific dwarves in specific clothing without using squads?

I would like to dress my noble in a specific clothing.

Best Answer

Short answer: no, except maybe yes, except not really.

Long answer:

  • No, the game does not currently let you allocate clothes or other items that aren't rooms to specific dorfs. This is a serious pain in the tuchus when I want my miners to ditch their obsolete copper picks and use the exceptional-grade steel picks I painstakingly forged for them instead...
  • However, it is possible to abuse the military subsystem and specify a very specific uniform to a specific dorf soldier, so there's the "except maybe yes"...
  • Unfortunately, however, dorfs only respect the uniform settings when they're on military duty and will cheerfully ditch their uniform when they're off, so not really.
