Duration (remaining) for Living World content


Every few weeks, new Living World content is released. And with that, every few weeks the old Living World content stops and goes 'away'. Currently, Blood and Madness is running at the same time as Tower of Nightmares. Normally, the old one (BaM) would make way for the new one (ToN).

Is there any place or any way to view how long Living World content will stay? GuildwarsWiki only shows when it started.

Best Answer

There is usually no explicit indication when exactly a Living World "episode" ends, but there is a fairly obvious pattern:

  • A major Living World episode will begin early (first week) in the month, and last until the next major episode starts, a month later. This will be some new event in Tyria.
  • Then a minor episode will begin around the middle (14th-18th or so) of the month. It will be related to the current major episode, usually furthering its story. The two will both be available (possibly with some details shuffled off) for the next two weeks.
  • Holiday events don't have an established pattern yet, but judging by Blood and Madness, they will run entirely in parallel to story episodes. Duration may vary.

Of course, those are just guidelines that ArenaNet may or may not follow. Watch for their updates and announcements. They probably won't retire their current episode until a new one starts, and if the announcement seems to be related to the current episode, it will probably be a minor one.

Or maybe it's just a 4-week cycle.