Dwarf refuses to stay in hospital until she has recuperated


Two dwarfs were seriously injured. They were treated by a doctor in the hospital, but for some reason both of them suddenly left and started working again. The body part list shows both "lower body" and "right upper leg" in red, and the description states that her lower body is cut open, her kidney is broken etc.

Why did she leave the hospital? Will she recover while working or should I try to force her back in bed again?

Best Answer

Some time (gaming time) has gone, and it looks like they are healing just fine. The lower body is no longer "cut open" but merly "dented", and the body part is now listed in yellow and not red any more.

I guess we should not worry about body parts listed in red as long as the treatment page does not require any treatment.

She even had a "satisfying sparring session lately". Truly a "short, sturdy creature" :-)