

In Legend of Grimrock every character has a food meter which gradually decreases as you move, fight and rest. You find food scattered about the dungeon, both from enemies and on the floor (3 second rule clearly not an issue) to fill the meter back up.

What effect does a low food meter have? Is there a penalty to my skills or attributes? Does it cost more energy to cast spells? Is there no effect until a certain point (the manual mentions starvation but does not give any description)?

Best Answer

The food meter becomes relevant only when it becomes red and you begin to starve.
You won't restore HP or energy when resting, until you find some food to fill your food bar.
Healing is only a temporary solution, but it helps you gain time.
Other than that, no penalties.

EDIT: I don't know if this has been changed recently, but in the current version a starving character has his Attack Power halved(rounded up). This changes the strategies, since this way the hungry PC becomes almost useless, making a food reserve a necessity.