Engram drop rate increase after House of Wolves patch


Since playing after the massive House of Wolves patch I seem to be getting A LOT of Rare and Legendary Engrams.

Has the drop rate been increased in the latest patch?

I can't find any technical specifications that clarify this but I know a few other players that have experienced the same increase in Engram Drop rate.

Best Answer

I have noticed that in the rewards section of games I am seeing more legendary items, but not necessarily as many legendary engrams. That being said, it may be because there were so many new legendaries added to the game that they outnumber the blue items now and as a result show up more often in general. Most of this broad observation is conjecture.

I also play a lot of PvP and have definitely noticed a difference there. This part is not conjecture, and as noted directly in the patch notes

- Increased Rare Weapons and Gear drop chance for completing games across all playlists by 100%
- Added Legendary Weapon drops into the Crucible reward stream across all playlists


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