Environment Analysis in Arkham Origins


In Arkham Origins, the Environment Analysis hasn't been doing much. Is Environment Analysis only used for tagging datapacks and scanning the "A" symbol found around Gotham, or is there another use for it once you defeat a certain boss?

Best Answer

The Environment Analysis is used to interact with some game objects, mainly giving further commentary about them and marking them on the map.

  • Anarchy's Symbols: Will acknowledge them as found and play comentary
  • Cyrus Pinkney Plaques: Will acknowledge them as found and play comentary
  • Datapacks: Place a marker on the map
  • In Crime Scene Mode: Interact with clues, advance scene

That's basically what you and User Nolonar mentioned. Just summarized it in an answer. I don't know of any further use. Feel free to edit this if you find more uses.