Elder Scrolls Online – How to Survive Warrior Starfall as Stam


I usually play mag sorc in vet trials but I got bored and want to switch to stam nb. Before going "whaaat???" yes I do know is easier to sustain as mag, you have better aoe etc. But I like my nb more, have better single target dps than most mags I played with (I hit about 40k single target fully buffed with horn rotation) so I am better at bosses.

Now the issue… most things are manageable after you get used to them (in AA after you learned the right positioning you have little to no trouble, in SO the same, MOL is MOL you die whatever you do :)) ). The thing I wanna get my head around before trying it is how to survive warrior starfall in vHRC. As a mag is simple you just spam shield. As a stam you should theoretically be able to block but since that thing hits for like 15-17k after you block 3-4 waves you get out of stamina and… die.

I'm thinking to use bone shield (since is cheap) + block until I go to like 1/3 of total stam but don't know if that would keep me alive (bone shield give me 30% hp and from my 17k I get about 5k… not really that much – especially if you compare to a sorc shield that goes around 30k). I could also throw a mirage on bar, and combined with bone shield and block should keep me alive but wasting to skill slots for this will loose me a decent amount of dps (I normally have 1 flex spot on my bar). Since is not exactly easy to test (is last boss and having 11 ppl wait me to test the best way to survive is not exactly polite)… any1 found a decent way to survive that?

Same could apply for AA second boss and MOL first boss but those can actually be outhealed. Warrior hits like a truck, outhealing that would drain healers of resources pretty quick.

Best Answer

I did the boss today and actually found 2 ways of doing it (one way I did it, and 1 way another stam dd did it).

The way I did it:

  • sloted bone shield
  • sloted mirage
  • took care that at each phase I had over 14k stam
  • blocked and used bone shield (really important is not to overcast since is waste of stam)
  • stayed in healers range (this was kind of clear but still worth mentioning)

The way the other dd did it:

  • sloted vigor
  • used vigor when warrior was casting the starfall
  • blocked
  • stayed in healers range
  • he had about 19k hp (2k more) than myself so I guess he ran a 5-1-1 build (I wear 7-0-0) and the extra def + the hp compensated for lack of shield

Results: I died once at first starfall (had only 10k stam, since it was my first run as melee didn't know how much to hold), while mantaining a decent 25k dps (yes, is not a mindblowing dps but as I haven't done it before I had no idea how to position, when to push and when to defence so I played more... prudent; I think next run will go better). The other dd died twice (have no idea why).

Next run I'll make hm, I think that same ways are viable.