Fallout – 100% chance of failing a rush


Heres the story, I have to complete 4 rushes to complete a achievement. I've tried at least 10 times with 20-30% chances and failed everyone. This is very frustrating, if anyone knows a solution to this problem please let me know.

Best Answer

RNG hates you.

It's not that there's 100% chance of failing (unless it's bugged), you're just really unlucky.

Just keep trying you'll eventually complete them. You can try putting more skilled dwellers, such as more S in power rooms, as well as luckier dwellers. Both reduce the chance of failing a rush.

Note that the rush chance of success decreases quite dramatically after a rush (succeed or fail) so doing it many times in a row will make it harder to do a successful rush.

See this answer for more factors influencing rush failure rates: https://gaming.stackexchange.com/a/224005/106901