Fallout – Do I need to manually restore the health of the dwellers everytime


I have noticed that the health of the dwellers keeps decreasing, but very slowly. I sometimes restore their health manually, using Stimpacks and RadAways, but I have also sometimes noticed that all the dweller's health would restore automatically (its reset to 100%).

Am I missing something here?

Is there a particular time where all dwellers will automatically have their health and radiation levels reset, or Should I continue to generate Stimpacks and RadAways to manually restore their health and radiation?

Best Answer

Dwellers automatically restore their Health and remove Radiation slowly when they are in the vault.

But there are some Exceptions:

  • On level up health is automatically restored to 100%
  • They only restore health when enough food is available.
  • they only remove radiation when enough water is available.
  • If you revive a dead dweller health is 100% and radition is eliminated.
  • as far as i know, they recover only when you have the game open, when you have game closed they do not restore health or remove radiation, or at least a lot slower...

I have sometimes a bug that one dweller, which came radiated from deserted, not reduced radiation when in dwault, in that case I had to use radaway. But this bug occured only in rare cases and not for all dwellers.