Fallout – find more Fat Man mini-nukes in Fallout 4


I just found the Fat Man, and the mini-nukes can be hard to come by. I recall feeling they were a lot more scripted in previous Fallout titles, rather then being acquired at stores, or created. Where can I go to find more mini-nukes?

Best Answer

This is almost certainly a bug, however after completing the Secret of Cabot House quest chain, the Fat Man and mini nuke in the basement of the Cabot House in central Boston will

1) no longer be flagged as owned, so you are free to take both

And more importantly

2) Respawn immediately when you fast travel away and then return to the house.

(In addition to the Fat Man and mini nuke, there's two steamer chests and a Master locked safe full of guns ammo and pre-war money, a Gamma Gun, and tons of highly valuable junk and aid items scattered around the house. It's a gold mine.)