Fallout 4 – How to Get Follower Out of Power Armor


Yesterday I found a second power armor and figured I should to try to get my follower to wear it. She was more than happy to get into the armor, but I can't seem to get her to leave the armor again.
I've tried using the command dialogs and also tried holding the 'leave power armor' button (E by default on pc), but that didn't do the trick for me.
Thankfully I did a quicksave before I commanded her to try put it on, so I could revert the problem, but I like the idea of us both wearing power armor.

So I would really like to find out how i can get my follower out of power armor?

Best Answer

I'm certain that this has been answered before, but I can't find the question right now.

Basically you just speak to them and there is a chat option to ask them to get out of the armour. It should replace the 'Relationship' option, under 'Talk'.