Fallout – How to make the settlers STEAL the stuff


I am not the type of selfish hoarder and would actually prefer to share with other settlers in our small communities rather than sell those 10mm for 30 caps or run around with thousands of bullets.

What I am really asking is: Is there a simple and convenient way to distribute unwanted weapons, ammo and armor to settlers for their better ability to defend the settlement? I would prefer not to equip each of them individually in each settlement as this seems too much of micromanagement. And I hear settlers tend to help themselves to your stuff anyway so I would like to encourage some distribution on excess stuff. Maybe that was the intention of their behaviour in the first place?

Best Answer

You can talk to them and use the conversation option to trade and then simply transfer the items into their inventory, but you don't want to do that. Without the micro management you're unable to designate specific items for specific individuals.

Since you don't want to do this you can leave the items lying around on the ground by dropping them or put them into a container (cupboards or drawers etc) and settlers will eventually get around to taking them.

There is no direct option to say "here, all of this stuff over here is yours to take".