Fallout – In Fallout: New Vegas, is it possible to drop bottle caps


I ask this because I'm playing the New Vegas Trade Center mod and I'd like to put my bottle caps in the bank there. Unfortunately, bottle caps don't appear in my inventory; they only appear in the bottle cap counter at the top right of my pipboy.

I notice that Alchestbreach (an online reviewer) doesn't have this problem. Could this be because of some patch?


Yeah, it's not here at all. Here I'm trying to transfer them to ED-E.

Trying to transfer to ED-E

Over here, I'm trading with Chet (ridiculous amount of caps courtesy of not having a life)

Trading with Chet

Best Answer

Unlike Gold in Skyrim, Caps are not considered a manipulable inventory item in the F:NV Engine. Your caps are kept in a separate counter at the top of the inventory window.