Fallout Shelter – Is It Possible to Repeatedly Trigger Sixtieth Hour Events?


When exploring the wasteland, there are special events that trigger at or around 60 hours of exploration. Is it possible to recall someone who has been exploring 61 hours and triggered the event and then tell them to resume exploring once they've walked an hour home to trigger the event again? The hour walk home will have set their exploration timer to 59 hours, so will they find the event the second time their timer is at 60 hours?

Best Answer

Updated answer for 1.2+

With the latest update, recalling a dweller from the wasteland does NOT count down your explore timer. If you were at 60 hour, recall him for 8 hours, and then set him to explore again, he will resume exploring at the initial time.

This also means if you then recall again, his return trip is reset and you have to start again at Explore Time / 2.