Fallout – NCR Ranger Safehouse – I can’t get in


I've heard that in the NCR Ranger Safehouse in FO:NV (near Black Mountain) there is some nice gear to be found.

I have a positive reputation with the NCR, and I also have the NCR Safehouse key from Col. James Hsu. But, the door to the safe-house still says "Requires Key".

I did my research and found this on the Fallout Wikia:

After discovering the location, an NCR Sergeant and an NCR soldier may come and talk to you. Afterward, when fast-travelling to the NCR Ranger Safehouse, the door can be locked with no option to do anything, and the rocks along the path will not be solid.

This does not seem to be the case, though. No NCR sergeant or soldier talked to me while I approached the entrance, and the rocks are still solid. What's the problem?

Best Answer

This appears to be a glitch that hasn't been recorded on the wikia.

Because of your liked reputation with the NCR and the key you received from Col. Hsu you should be able to access the NCR Ranger Safehouse. You should check your keyring to see if the NCR Safehouse Key has been properly added to your inventory; the keyring is in your Pipboy's MISC tab.

If, due to a bug, you never received your key to the NCR Safehouse you can add it to your inventory using this console command player.additem 00162998 1.

If you do have the Safehouse key and you still can't open the door use the console command unlock, click on the door, and press the enter key.