Fallout – ny max inventory and management in the wastes


Sending dwellers into the wastes to explore, and I find they stop finding items after 13. Is there a maximum capacity for explorers, and any way to get them to drop low-value items while they are out there?

Best Answer

Dwellers will find items every hour in the wastes, plus some time fixed events such as: Broadcast Tower, National Guard, etc.

However, their inventory do have a limit of 100 items. After picking 100 items, they won't pickup anymore, although they show up in the log that they have found something.

SPECIALS do affect the chance of finding items and caps. And their level will increase their HP.

Currently as of update 1.03 1.1, there's no way to sell or ignore items while exploring

Please refer to the community spread sheet: Fallout Shelter Efficiency Sheet.