Fallout – ny scrappable junk I should hold on to that could otherwise be used for other purposes


Fallout 4 adds the kleptomaniac-friendly ability to deconstruct practically anything into useful components. As such, I have built an impressive store of building materials, and enforce a "pick up everything, leave nothing" strategy. This works quite well.

However, a few guys on Live have been recommending I hold on to any copies of the Daily Bugle I find, as there is supposedly an NPC that will pay caps for them. I assume this is the case for both regular and rolled up copies.

I know that in previous Fallout games, there were a few "junk items" that would serve a purpose, often in regards to an NPC that would buy them off you for a fair amount of caps.

Are there any junk items in Fallout 4 that serve any type of purpose other then component scrapping? Are there any particular items I should be holding on to, instead?

I am specifically asking about items that can otherwise be lost through the automatic dis-assembly of junk. Items that fall under the "misc" category, like overdue books and subway tokens, are of no use in this context as there is no great risk of accidentally destroying them.

Best Answer

There are many scrappable junk items that can be used whole for other purposes, for instance for specific quests or as a crafting ingredient:

Used for Quests (repeatable quests italicized)

  • A Biometric Scanner and a Military-Grade Circuit Board are required for the main quest The Molecular Level.
  • 4 High-Powered Magnets are needed for the Brotherhood of Steel quest Liberty Reprimed, but they are provided in the Boston Airport workshop.
  • Yellow and Blue paint cans - Abbot (Diamond City)
  • Bloatfly Gland - Doctor Duff (Diamond City)
  • Bag of Fertilizer - Priscilla Penske (Vault 81)
  • Adjustable Wrench, Ball-peen Hammer, Combination Wrench, Hammer, Screwdriver, Wrench - Calvin (Vault 81)
  • Anti-Freeze Bottle, Gas Canister (for Reactor Coolant) - Proctor Ingram (Prydwen)

Used as Crafting Ingredients

  • Abraxo Cleaner - Mentats, Mind Cloud Syringe
  • Anti-Freeze Bottle - Berry Mentats, Berserk Syringe, Yellow Belly Syringe
  • Baseball - Baseball Grenade
  • Bloatfly Gland - Bloatfly Larva Syringe
  • Bloodsac - Skeeto Spit
  • Brahmin Skull - Mounted Brahmin Skull
  • Coffee Tin - Slocum's BuzzBites
  • Molerat Teeth - Mounted Molerat Skull
  • Pencil - Endangerol Syringe
  • Radscropion Stinger - Radscorpion Venom Syringe
  • Skull - Spiked Pole