Fallout – obtain lots of ammo


I've played for like 10 hours so far, mostly just messing around building my settlements. I've been trying to do the Brotherhood of Steel missions but I always run out of ammo, I barely even have much to start off with. I usually have to try to complete missions by hitting everyone in the head with my gun.

In Fallout: New Vegas, you could craft ammo, but I haven't seen anything like that in Fallout 4 so far. I don't have a lot of caps either, so buying enough ammo is difficult.

Are there any ways to obtain ammo that doesn't involve a lot of caps?

Best Answer

The Scrounger perk provides a boost to your ammo finding capabilities. There are four levels to it each increasing the amount of ammunition you find. Scrounger is a third level LUCK perk.

There are also ammunition boxes throughout the world that usually contain lots of ammo but I find the best approach is to use one gun per ammo type and switch between them as you run out of ammunition rather than having multiple weapons that use the same ammo type.