Fallout – Tinker Tom is a wild eyed maniac who wants to inject me with strange chemicals. Should I let him


I've just made contact with the Underground Railroad, and proven my trustworthiness. This means I get access to the secret clubhouse underground lair headquarters! All right!

In the HQ, I met this kind of crazy seeming guy named Tinker Tom, who, although he insists my scans came up clean, also insists that the Institute has placed terrifying nano-robots in my food to spy on… my digestive tract I guess? I dunno. He seems very concerned and agitated about them, although the actual doctor on hand insists that there's nothing to worry about and that Tom has just been using too many chems.

Either way, Tom wants to inject me with some kind of weird serum – which apparently contains battery acid?

Should I let him do this? What are the consequences of doing so?

Best Answer

When you first go into railroad HQ, somebody says to keep him happy cause he's got all the cool stuff.

If you let him give you the shot, he will offer you items that he creates for you because he then 'trusts' you.