Fallout New Vegas – How to Add Skyrim-like Quest Markers in Fallout New Vegas


Going back for a yet another playthrough of Fallout New Vegas, is there a way to add quest markers on doors and above people similar to Skyrim?

Best Answer

From what I can research it's possible, but I haven't tried it myself.

According to this conversation on Steam forums a Mod called The Solid Project adds floating quest markers to the game. The mod also adds some other features like sprinting mechanics, door opening and item-grabbing animations and combat takedowns to the game, so you'll have to tolerate those if you want the quest markers.

For whatever reason the mod has been set to hidden on the Nexus website so it cannot be downloaded there. You can, however use this link I had found on Reddit to download the mod from Dropbox instead.

Here's a video which shows off the features of The Solid Project. Waypoints/floating markers are presented at 6:03.