Fallout New Vegas – What are the Ramifications of Open Cannibalism?


Let's say that I'm about to engage in some good old-fashioned American cannibalism, but instead of [Hidden], I see [Detected] on my HUD. If someone sees me engage in cannibalism, I know that the perk describes it as a "crime against humanity," but what does that actually mean? Do I lose reputation with the faction of the guy who sees me? Does he (and any other witnesses) turn hostile? What exactly happens?

Best Answer

I couldn't resist trying this perk. I didn't opt for it in Fallout 3, so I can only speak of New Vegas.

If you drag a body to the corner where no one can see you, there are no problems. You gain health, gain rads, and lose a little karma.

If you do it in the open (while [Detected]), everyone turns hostile against you. But they forget soon enough... if you leave the town and come back, all is good. It won't change how a faction thinks of you.

It's the same thing as stealing from or killing a random person. Take out a leader... and there are problems. But otherwise, no biggie.