Fallout – When using V.A.T.S., the enethe always dies


From what little I've read online, using V.A.T.S. I should be able to take out non-vital body-parts, like arms and legs. When I target such limbs, however, the opponent always seems to die before any crippling occurs.

Is this normal? Will it get better when my aim improves? Is it because of my choice of weapon?

Best Answer

There are a couple of factors that would affect this. As you've mentioned, weapon choice plays a factor, as does the difficulty setting. Setting a higher difficulty makes enemies more resistant to damage, but the 'crippling' chance stays about the same.

There is a weapon you can build once you get the schematic (called the Dart Gun - it uses Radscorpion Glands) which instantly paralyzes body parts when they are targeted and does little damage. If you don't want to up the difficulty, I suggest building one of them if you want to cripple first.