Fallout – Why don’t the female dwellers give birth to children


I am playing Fallout Shelter on my IPad. There were some women who have already gave birth, but two female dwellers are carrying their babies for about 18(!) hours. I know that this process takes three hours, so this is not normal. What do I do?

Best Answer

Do you have many dead people in your vault?

Due to the fact, that a dead dweller can be revived even 24 hours after his dead, you cannot get above the limit with a new born child.

Just an example of that what I mean:

  • Your vault maximum is 38 dwellers.
  • You have 30 alive dwellers, 8 dead dwellers and 2 pregnant dwellers
  • If the birth would happen, you would have 32 alive dwellers (of which are 0 pregnant and 2 children). You would have 6 dwellers left to your maximum capacity.
  • If you would revive all of the 8 dead dwellers, you would have 40 out of 38 allowed dwellers.

Maybe this gives you a hint and maybe this is your case too.

The idea of the dead father won't work. I have also some new born which had a dead father. The icon of the father was just a grave, but it was found. The birth take place and everything else was normal. But well, it still could be a rare bug.