Fastest way to farm platinum in Rift


What are some of the fastest ways to farm platinum in Rift?

I'm currently a level 53 cleric with 810p and need to get to about 1200p in order to purchase my first rex from other players and unlock the auction house in game. Aside from getting lucky with having deeps lock boxes dropping, what could I do to speed up reaching the amount of platinum that I need in game?

Best Answer

Right at this moment, prices for many raw materials like wood and metals are quite high (at least on my shard). Karthite, Elm and Frazzleweed already had good prices to begin with, so gathering runs could rake in some serious cash.

The reason for the current high pricess is because crafting dailies now grant Dendrome notoriety (Achyati/Hailol/Empyreal Alliance), so people are using more of these materials and buying them.

That being said, if you don't have the auction house enabled, you're in a bit of a catch 22. You can try pawning materials in chat, but it will usually get you a somewhat lower price.