Fastest way to unlock custom special moves


Unlocking custom special moves by playing the Classic game seems to be slow and slightly random. Is there an easier way?

Best Answer

Classic mode is a good way to get special moves, and seems to be the fastest for the 3DS version of the game. You have a slight chance to get custom moves for any unlocked character (except Mii and Palutena, who start will all moves unlocked, and DLC characters, who don't have any custom moves), a higher chance to get custom moves for the characters you fight against, and the highest chance to get special moves for the character that you're playing as. Keep that in mind when selecting your character and each battle you pick. You can generally get more on higher difficulties, but you'll lose some rewards if you lose both lives on one stage. You can also use custom characters to make completing Classic mode faster and easier. On the 3DS, you can use a home button to temporarily freeze the spinner before each match, which makes getting custom upgrades, such as special moves, from the spinner easier.

All-Star mode on the Wii U version with the difficulty set to Hard is a great way to get moves for the specific character you're playing as, because completion of each round gives two rewards, special moves are often the rewards, and dying will not lose any rewards you've already earned. Unfortunately the 3DS version provides fewer rewards, and they are mostly trophies, so this is not a good way to earn special moves on the 3DS.

Another way to get special moves is to have an Amiibo fight computer players. Amiibos gather upgrades, including custom moves, when they fight. You can use this strategy to get new moves while away from the game.

On the Wii U version, you can also get special moves from Special Orders. Each special order you select gives a hint at what you'll receive for completing it. For a higher chance to get custom moves, select tickets that show something other than money or the Super Smash Bros icon.

Also on the Wii U version, you can do Smash Tour to get larger quantities of rewards, including special moves. The downsides to this are that it takes longer than the other methods to complete a single round, and that you have less control over the resulting rewards.