Fastest ways to gain XP


What's the most efficient or easiest way to level?

In the world there are numerous quests that I can do on the side, and as I want to take my time I'm doing the main story quite slowly.

A lot of the quests are super high level – I'm being forced to do quests 2 levels higher then my current character level.

Is this normal? Should I have more XP? If I should, how?

Killing monsters and bandit camps gives me tiny amounts of XP, as I've noticed that even a simple talking quest can grant me upwards of 250XP.

Best Answer

XP for killing enemies has been intentionally minimised in this game.

Quest XP is the best way to level - happily, side quests and Witcher Contracts are also a fairly good source of XP.

One thing to bear in mind is that you will get no XP for any quest more than 6 levels beneath your current level (it will turn grey in the Journal).