Overwatch – Fight or Escape Strategy?


There's a teamfight, my whole team gets killed and I manage to escape with low life, should I go in and try to get a kill/annoy or should I back up, try to get some heals and wait for my team?

Let's assume that there's no overtime or any time related cases where someone would need to 100% go in and try whatever is possible.

Let's also assume I'm playing a hero able to deal a good amount of damage like Reaper or McGree

PS: If you don't want to assume and elaborate a bit more on the different posible cases, feel free to.

Best Answer

Always try to escape.

  • That one kill you might get fighting a 1v6 is not going to matter by the time the rest of your team gets back up.
  • Make it as hard as possible for people to pursue you and get that last bit of ultimate charge out of your health. If you're lucky, they might overextend chasing you and run into your team.
  • Give your healers a decent amount of ultimate charge from you, which otherwise they'd miss because everyone close is at full health.
  • The risk of dying anyway is minimal. A just-showed-up-with-full-health team should be okay holding the line without you until you get back.
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