Final Fantasy 15 PSN – How Long Does Final Fantasy XV Take to Install


So I bought Final Fantasy XV Digital Premium Edition off the PSN.

I installed the file but I can't click "New Game", even though the game is installed. In the Final Fantasy XV Application, it still says in the top right corner: "Instal Time Remaining: 1,896min" And that number keeps going up not down.

What's going on here?

I don't have PlayStation Plus and 224GB of free space. A number that notably isn't changing no matter how long Final Fantasy XV "installs".

Best Answer

I have ATT Uverse, and apparently I'm not the only one with this problem:

It didn't seem to be related to the service though, I the tech assured me that I wasn't being throttled.

My speed started in accordance with my bandwidth, but after downloading enough to start the app, I still needed to download more of the app to actually start a new Final Fantasy XV game, then my speed became throttled (1MB/44sec)

Strangely all it took for me to fix this was to restart the modem. Which didn't make sense because all the other devices in the house had fine connection speed. This may also make the question/answer off topic, but I'll leave it here in the hopes it may be helpful to someone else.