Find a Portal Gem, and how does it work


Earlier today I've seen a guy selling a Portal Gem. Never heard of that before. from what I've read so far, it seems pretty rare and expensive. Is it possible to find it anywhere (on any difficulty) ?

Portal gem

Also, this gem is white. Does it mean it will fit any slot color ? And I suppose it requires to bind a key to use it ?

Best Answer

Portal gem is the only unique gem in the game, and, you guessed it, it opens a town portal =)

The upside: Never have to use a TP scroll again! You can save them and trade them for ID scrolls! Fits in any color slot. And you don't really need to "bind a key"... You can just place it on one of the keys when you need it, or put it on your secondary weapons. (that's what I do)

The downside: It has a cast time. At 20% increased quailty, it becomes 40% decreased cast time.

And yes, they are quite rare.

Sources: I have one, wiki

Alas, I died, so no longer have my precious Portal Gem.